TriniTrolley Currency Converter
Displayed on each product page is a “Details” link next to the prices which displays the currency converter. This helps gauge the approximate $USD price you will be paying should you choose to pay ONLINE via credit card to PayPal. Payment to PayPal results in your credit card being charged in American dollars ($US). The rate is estimated on using the most common aggregate which is stated in the “Details” button next to the price in the Product Details page. By clicking on “I agree to Terms and Conditions” you agree to these Conditions of Use outlined and the estimated exchange rate when payment is made through online credit card processing.
The actual rate may vary when your credit card is processed on any given day by your local credit card provider but usually the rate charged by the your credit card provider/bank is lower (or can be higher) than the rate stated on the website. This means that the actual sale amount may be lower (or higher) depending on the rate stated by your local credit card provider/bank on the day in which your card is processed. It is the user’s duty to verify these rates before making online purchases via credit card. The payment processing and security verification time issued by PayPal after the online payment is made usually takes a few minutes. We can only deliver after payment was approved for online credit card processing regardless of the delivery time selected at checkout.
Your credit card information for online processing is made to PayPal and is NOT made to By accepting payment to PayPal you agree that all information supplied to PayPal is correct and that you and not are responsible for paying any unauthorized amounts billed to your credit card by a third party. You agree to pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with your purchases at the exchange rates in effect when the charges were incurred. If does not receive payment from your credit card issuer or its agent, you agree to pay all amounts die upon demand by Trini Trolley Limited or its agents.
Your credit card issuer agreement governs your use of your designated card, and you must refer to that agreement and not this Conditions of Use to determine your rights and liabilities as a cardholder.
By agreeing to online credit card payment processing via PayPal you also authorize adjustments or reversals to be made to your payments method in connection with returns, cancellations, refunds, reversals or any other adjustments for any reason deemed necessary by as stated within these Conditions of Use.
The currency converter will help you gauge the approximate price you will be paying in $US should you decide to pay online with your credit card. Of course, this will also be the equivalent $TTD price. Depending on your credit card provider and bank, you will be required to pay this total in either $USD or $TTD.