Product Details
T.D. Jakes offers readers of the New York Times bestseller Before You Do, now retitled Making Great Decisions: For a Life Without Limits, a collection of Scripture and quotes that provides the spiritual underpinnings of his message about applying Christian principles to making important choices that you'll be proud of for the rest of your life. Before You Do, the narrative book, uses wisdom collected from more than thirty years of Jakes's experience counseling and working with high-profile and everyday people through his ministry and numerous appearances on national television and radio.
Relationship decisions come down to five crucial components, according to Bishop Jakes:
Research: gathering information and collecting data
Roadwork: removing obstacles and clearing the path
Rewards: listing choices and imagining their consequences
Revelation: narrowing your options and making your selection
Rearview: looking back and adjusting as necessary to stay on course
Making Great Decisions Reflections collects the words that ground Before You Do in biblical teachings, making this book an essential keepsake, to carry with you in moments when inspiration and encouragement are needed.